The New 2009 Andreas Killian Book

I want everyone to know the new Andreas Killian book would not have been possible without Killian Book cover the donation of information Wayne Milam has collected over the years. The chapter by William “Bill” Hinds on the Leonard Killian family is a fantastic detailed account of Andreas’ first son. The book gained German records with the addition of 2 chapters written by William McCreight. Many chapters were written and re-written as historically correct as possible through the edits and additions by Thomas Eugene “Gene” Killian. Wayne, Bill, William and Gene formed the frame work of the book. This does not discount the contributions of authors Dan Sipe, Sandy Phillips and Wayne Setzer. Also there was the behind the scenes people; I cannot tell you how many people were involved in getting this book to where it is today. My sincere thanks to you all.

William McCreight of Germany added his knowledge of Andreas Kilian of Steinbach, Bavaria, Germany. This knowledge and research includes information on Lutheran German Records, the social system in Andreas’ time and the trip from Steinbach to Philadelphia.

The 17 or so years between Philadelphia to North Carolina has been explored as theory only. When Cletus H. Killian researched the Colonial Killians, I found he was not sure where Andreas Killian and his family lived for those 17 years. This chapter leaves me the feeling someone should take up the gauntlet and look for Andreas in the state archives of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and maybe New Jersey.

The chapter on DNA introduced other colonial Killians into your New Andreas Killian book. We have 2 chapters on Killian’s not related to Andreas Killian; Pennsylvania Killian and North Carolina Killians born before 1800. While the book is titled “The Family of North Carolina Pioneer Andreas Killian (1702-1788); Andreas and his children and grandchildren”, the book has far more information than I ever expected.

The book has gone through a metamorphosis; going from my envisioned booklet, to a hard back book with a CD of information available on Killians up to the 20 century, back to the booklet I first envisioned, to a paperback book of about 200 pages of 18th century Colonial Killians. I hope everyone will be pleased with the final result.

Cheryl Mann Killian
Your Killian Book Editor

The book is now available by mail from the editor for only $30.00. This includes handling and shipping. This is one book you must have. Most books of this importance normally go for between $40-$60 plus shipping and handling. Get yours now!!

Make check payable to Andreas Killian Descendants Historical Association and send to:

Cheryl Mann Killian
130 Rowan Road
Ellenwood, GA 30274
Fax 770-506-7157