AKDHA Mission Statement:
"The primary purpose of the Association is to research, educate and preserve the
heritage of the German Pioneer Andreas Killian and affiliated families who
settled in the early 1700’s around the Catawba River in what is now Catawba County,
North Carolina; and to assist other inquirers nationally or internationally on
Killian research which may or may not be related to Andreas Killian of North Carolina."
"We have been blessed to have had ancestors with the foresight and ability to establish
The Andreas Killian association and I believe it is our duty and privilege to carry on
out of respect for them and for the benefit of future generations." - Charles D. Killian
Our Forefathers Home Place

Andreas Killian and our forefathers came from Steinbach an der Holzecke, Germany.
Click on the map image at left for an interactive map of the area.
'The Forefathers of North Carolina Pioneer Andreas Killian'
Book by 'William Randolph McCreight',
available by mail from the editor for only
$45.00. This includes handling and shipping. All proceeds from the book going to AKDHA.
Order by: Mail or Fax 770-506-7157 or Email:
Make check payable AKDHA & mail to:
Cheryl Mann Killian 130 Rowan Road Ellenwood GA 30294
'The Family of North Carolina Pioneer Andreas Killian' (1702-1788)
Book by 'AKDHA'
available by mail from the editor for only
$30.00. This includes handling and shipping.
Order by: Mail or Fax 770-506-7157 or Email:
Make check payable AKDHA & mail to:
Cheryl M. Killian 130 Rowan Rd Ellenwood GA 30294
'Things I Remember...

'Things I Remember...by Dr. William D. "Bill" Killian of Hendersonville, NC'
Before his death in 2019, Dr. Bill Killian donated nineteen copies of his book to the organization he supported.
AKDHA still has a few copies available for sale. All proceeds from the sale of books goes to AKDHA, a 501c3 Nonprofit Organization.
AKDHA has no paid staff or employees and depends entirely on volunteers and donations which Dr. William D. “Bill” Killian was a promoter.
Book available by mail from the editor. Cost:
Check Payable: Andreas Killian Descendants Historical Association or AKDHA
Mail to: Cheryl Mann Killian, 130 Rowan Rd, Ellenwood, GA 30294.
For more details about these books phone me at (770) 337-5310 or email:
'Andreas Killian Family Cookbook

This Andreas Killian Family Cookbook will make a wonderful keepsake to pass down to family members.
The cookbook is filled with 299 family recipes, family histories, helpful hints, and much more...from descendants of Andreas Killian.
$15.00 per copy, plus
$3.50 for handling & shipping.
Please indicate how many cookbooks you are ordering.
Order by Mail or Email:
Make check payable AKDHA & mail to:
AKDHA P.O. Box 3272 Hickory NC 28603
Join the AKDHA E-Mail List (or Update or Remove E-Mail)
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Join the AKDHA Mailing List (or Update or Remove Address)
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Latest News
Andreas Killian Descendants Historical Association
90th Families & Friends Annual Reunion
Friday, September 6th -> Sunday, September 8th, 2024
Greetings cousins and friends,
The AKDHA 90th Reunion was very nice again this year.
Early feedback is that it was light in attendance,
but a very quality time with those that attended.
We met a new cousin Jenny Mohundro from Corpus Christie,
Texas. She said that she had a wonderful experience.
If you have pictures to share, please send them to webmaster.
We hope everyone is making plans for next year's reunion.
Please email or snail mail us with your suggestions.
Click image for website.
National Genealogical Society Award

honored excellence in the categories of newsletter
editorship and service to the Society with the presentation of several awards at
the Opening Session this morning. NGS President Jordan Jones presented the following awards.

Each year, the NGS Newsletter Competition recognizes the hard work, long hours,
and creativity that editors devote to their newsletters. A panel of three
judges reviews each newsletter on material interest, variety, organization,
quality of writing and editing, readability, and attractiveness. This year's categories and winners are:
Family Association Newsletter:
The Andreas Killian Descendants Historical Association Newsletter,
edited by
Charles D. Killian of Ellenwood, Georgia.
[Read Complete Article]